Can You Get A Criminal Record From Traffic Fines?
A criminal record, even for a minor offence from decades back, comes with very serious and lifetime consequences. It will hang around forever, just waiting to ambush you when you apply for a job, or a travel visa, or a firearm licence. So acquiring a record inadvertently is the stuff of nightmares, and the question
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Must my property’s deposit be placed in an interest-bearing account?
When you buy property, the sale agreement often provides for you to pay a deposit (normally 10% of the sale price) to the conveyancer (the attorney transferring the property into your name), to be kept in trust until transfer. Don’t lose out on earning interest on your deposit money – check that the sale agreement’s
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What Happens When Paying Money Into The Wrong Bank Account?
Based on the R862k Banking App Error In these days of online banking and electronic payment, it’s not uncommon to find out to your horror that you have made a payment to someone in error, either to the wrong recipient or in an incorrect amount. If that happens to you and the recipient refuses to